viernes, 31 de julio de 2009

Susan Blackmore about memes y "temes"

Best talk of the year selected by WSN!

Susan Blackmore is dedicated to understanding the scientific nature of consciousness. Her latest work centers on the existence of memes -- little bits of knowledge, lore, habit that seem to spread themselves using human brains as mere carriers. She's exploring the existence of a new class of meme, spread by human technology. It's temporarily named the "teme."

quest of the day.

enjoy these interesting trailers

Kung Fu Cyborg

Tron Legacy

Sleep Dealer

Asteroid Impact (HD)

this week papers (

Charge-pumping in a synthetic leaf for harvesting energy from evaporation-driven flows

Induction of Stem Cell Gene Expression in Adult Human Fibroblasts without Transgenes

Learning Substrates in the Primate Prefrontal Cortex and Striatum: Sustained Activity Related to Successful Actions

Natural Killer Cell Signal Integration Balances Synapse Symmetry and Migration

Probing Spin-Charge Separation in a Tomonaga-Luttinger Liquid